Contents of listing files for SBUV PMC scan data ================================================ File name convention: [satellite]_[hemisphere][year(s)][calibration]_sig1p3_allwv.dat satellite: 'n07' = Nimbus-7 SBUV, 'n09' = NOAA-9 SBUV/2, ... hemisphere: 'nh' = Northern Hemisphere. Season = (solstice - 30 days) to (solstice + 70 days) = day 142 to day 242. 'sh' = Southern Hemisphere. Season = (solstice - 30 days) to (solstice + 70 days) = day 325 (year 1) to day 60 (year 2). year(s): Note that nominal Southern Hemisphere season starts in one calendar year and ends in the next year. calibration: Tag identifying instrument calibration version for ozone processing. sig1p3: Scale factor for latitude-dependent noise threshold test. allwv: Albedo information for all test wavelengths listed. Column Information ###### ########### 1 Satellite number [7, 9, ...] 2 Year 3 Day of year 4 Day from solstice for current season 5 Measurement time [seconds UT] 6 Mean local solar time (longitude-corrected) [hours] 7 Latitude [degrees]; negative = S. Hem., positive = N. Hem. 8 Longitude [degrees]; positive = East, negative = West 9 Solar zenith angle [degrees] 10 Orbit flag; 0 = ascending node, 1 = descending node 11 Background fit albedo at 252.0 nm (corrected for Rayleigh scattering, phase function) 12 Residual albedo at 252.0 nm (data - 4th order fit) 13 Residual albedo at 252.0 nm [percent] 14-16 Background fit albedo, residual albedo, percent residual for 273.5 nm 17-19 Background fit albedo, residual albedo, percent residual for 283.1 nm 20-22 Background fit albedo, residual albedo, percent residual for 287.6 nm 23-25 Background fit albedo, residual albedo, percent residual for 292.3 nm 26 Slope vs. wavelength of absolute albedo residuals [1/nm] 27 Error of slope for residual regression fit 28 PMC test summary flag; 31 = good detection, -1 = screened scan PMC test flag components ++++++++++++++++++++++++ T0 = 16: r252 exceeds threshold [always set in current data] T1 = 8: r252, r273, r283 > 0.0 T2 = 4: m_lambda < 0.0 T3 = 2: r252 > [scale_factor*sigma_252(latitude)] T4 = 1: r252 > r273 FLAG = T0 + T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 r252 = residual albedo at 252 nm m_lambda = slope of regression fit to albedo residuals scale_factor = 1.3 sigma_252 = quadratic fit in latitude to 252 nm residuals from non-PMC data