Naming of trend calculation files ********************************* Each text file name has multiple pieces that indicate what trend analysis runs are represented in it. Quantity - freq, alb, iwc = occurrence frequency, albedo, ice water content Hemisphere - nh, sh = North, South Date Range - m20p55 = [-20,+55] DSS Local Time Adjustment - raw, ltconst, ltflat = no adjustment, "constant" adjustment, "flat" adjustment as discussed in report Fit Range - trend, split = single segment, two segments for linear term The only exception is that for the two-segment calculations, the raw and constant local time results are combined without having a tag in the file name (e.g. iwc_nh_m20p55_split.txt). Contents of trend calculation files *********************************** Within each "single segment" trend output file, there are three blocks of data for the different normalization methods. Each block has 4 lines for the different latitude bands that contain the following information: - latitude band - "best fit" phase lag (minimum chi-square) - fit coefficients with 1 sigma values - average value over the period (used to calculate percent changes) - individual correlation coefficients and multiple correlation - solar cycle amplitude [%] (peak-to-peak range = 2.5e+11 phot/cm^2/sec/nm) - long-term trend [percent/decade] - RMS scatter in data units Below that are 4 more lines that give the 95% significance level for decadal trend as calculated by the Weatherhead et al. formula given in our 2007 paper. NOTE: Some files show '***' for the IWC solar coefficient at 74-82 degrees because I didn't properly adjust the print format statement. That error has been corrected.