OMI Solar Proxy Index Data ########################## Matthew DeLand and Sergey Marchenko Contact: Last revision: 6 August 2024 This file gives a basic description of the solar proxy index data that we have produced from Aura OMI solar measurements. Detailed discussion can be found in the paper "The solar chromospheric Ca and Mg indices from Aura OMI" by M. DeLand and S. Marchenko (2013), J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 3415-3423, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50310. The most recent update of the OMI proxy index data are available in the text file 'solar_indices_OMI_alternative_20230724.txt'. The term '_alternative' in this file name indicates the use of data processing improvements that provide increased sampling compared to the standard L1B processing. These data were created using the Collection 4 reprocessing of OMI Level 1B data. Due to some anomalies in the calculated product, we have excluded the Mg I proxy index from this release of OMI data. The first measurement date is 1 October 2004, and the last date included in the current data file is 29 July 2024. There are 8 columns with the following contents. Column 1: Year of measurement. Column 2: Month of measurement. Column 3: Day of measurement. Column 4: Hour of measurement [UT]. Column 5: Minute of measurement [UT]. Column 6: Daily average Mg II proxy index (280 nm). Column 7: Daily average Ca II K proxy index (393.4 nm). Column 8: Daily average Ca II H proxy index (396.8 nm). Missing data are represented by -9.0 as a fill value. NOTE: The Mg II index values are reported as derived from the OMI irradiance measurements. The Ca II K and Ca II H index values have been scaled to the scale of the National Solar Observatory ISS 1 A bandpass data sets.